Visum voor België als u in India woont

Hoe vraagt u een visum aan voor België als u in India woont.

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Nieuwe procedure werkvergunning

Sinds 01/01/2019 is de dubbele procedure voor het aanvragen van een werkvergunning én een verblijfsvergunning vervangen door één enkele procedure. Lees meer.

Waar, wanneer en hoe kan ik een visumaanvraag indienen?

New Online Visa Application Procedure as from 25/01/2017

The visa application forms (short stay and long stay) have to be filled out online and submitted electronically to the VFS Visa Application Center (VAC)

You can find more details at

Procedure to be followed:

  1. The applicant / head of family has to create an account at the following address: 
  2. Fill out and send the electronic visa application form from this website 
  3. The applicant will receive then a copy of the visa application form at the email address mentioned in his account. 
  4. Please print the form and go to the Visa Application Center you have chosen in your application. Make sure to bring the required supporting documents and the visa &service fees. 
  5. At the visa application center, your picture will be taken live (for all applicants – short stay AND long stay). The fingerprints will be taken only for the short and long stay visas if it’s required. 
  6. Your visa application will be processed, as usual, at the Belgian Embassy/Consulate General 
  7. You can follow the status/evolution of your application on the following links:
    • (Status of your application)
    • Belgian Ministry of Interior: ODE - FR or DVZ - NL

      Please type the visa application’s file number obtained at the Belgian Embassy - request to be done at the following email address:, please don’t forget to clearly mention your exact last and first name as mentioned on your passport + your date of birth + passport number.

Please note that:

  • The account you have created can be used later for further applications.
  • From this account, you can complete and send different visa application’s forms (for all the members of your family, for example).
  • The visa application form you have created electronically is valid for 30 days. If during that time, you haven’t been at the Visa Application Center to confirm your application, your visa application form will be deleted.

Find all details about Belgian Visa Application Centers in India on the VFS website.

With the new visa code applicable from 2nd February 2020 only holders of official passports, family members of EU citizens and VIPs with an appointment from the Embassy or the Consulate of Belgium can apply directly at the Embassy or the Consulate instead of at the VAC. The decision whether an applicant is to be considered a VIP or not, rests entirely in the hands of the concerned Belgian mission.

Hoeveel kost de handling fee (kost voor het behandelen van de aanvraag)?

The handling fee is paid in Indian Rupees is as per the exchange rate communicated by the Embassy of Belgium in New Delhi. The same is subject to change without notice. The visa fee is non-refundable.

The handling fee for a short term stay visa (C) is 90 euro, except for children between 6 and 12 years old, which is 45 euro and children up to 6 years old, which is free.

For a long term stay visa (D) the handling fee is 180 euro.

An additional contribution is required for the processing of certain visa D applications.

Important news

The amounts of the administrative fees are regularly updated. The latest updated amounts can be found on the following websites :

The applicant must present proof of full payment of the fee at the time of application. If this evidence is not presented, the application is not admissible and it is not processed.

The fee will not be refunded if the application for a D visa or residence is refused.

Applicants submitting their files at the Belgian VAC shall be levied a service fee of INR 2263/- (inclusive of taxes). Applicants that are exempt from the visa fee are not exempt from paying this service fee.

Vereiste documenten

For more information on the documents to submit with your visa application, please click on the type of visa you need in the list below. This list replaces the English language pages of the website of the FPS Home Affairs Immigration Office, which is under construction. We thank you for your understanding.

    According to the type of long stay visa (D visa) you require, you might have to present a medical certificate you can obtain via one of the doctors certified by the Embassy of Belgium. See below point 5 for details.

    Official documents issued by public authorities (marriage, birth, and death certificates, or diplomas, police clearance certificates and affidavits) have to be legalized before the submission in a visa file. Click here for all details on legalizations.

    If those documents are not directly written in English, they have to be translated by a sworn translator in one of the Belgian national language. Click here for all details on translations

    Short stay visa (max. 90 days)

    Attention: guarantees for return (assessment of migration risk): the applicant is requested to provide as much information as possible to document his/her family background, professional and socio-economic status, ownership of land or real estate (for instance: proof of family bonds with his/her country of origin, proof of regular income and stable source of revenues from the applicant and/or his/her partner, proof of property, etc.)

    This information is essential to correctly judge the intention of the applicant to leave the Schengen area before the expiry of his/her visa.

    Since May 2020 a harmonized list of supporting documents is imposed to persons who are subject to visa (C) requirement and are residing in India. This list is the result of an Implementing Decision of the European Commission. 
    Read here important information on Schengen visa applications in India and specific details on Indian passports validity Schengen Common Information.  In addition, you can consult a general Q&A developed by the European Commission.

    The overseas travel medical insurance required for short stay visa (C visa) and valid for all Schengen-countries has to cover the applicant for at least 30000 Euros or equivalent, for all risks e.g. accident, illness, medical emergency evacuation, repatriation of mortals remains etc. The policy has to clearly specify the period of validity and has to cover the entire duration of the trip including the date of arrival & departure. Please click on the following link for the approved list of insurance companies in India.

    Please note that the Travel Insurance policy needs to be duly signed by the applicant before submitting the same with the application. 

    Biometry - Visa Information System

    All Schengen visa applicants must appear in person, except for children younger than 12, to have their 10 fingerprints and their photograph registered. These data are stored for 59 months in the VIS. In case you have already submitted your fingerprints for a previous Schengen visa application in the last 59 months, you are not required to submit them again. However, If you are uncertain whether your fingerprints have been captured for a Schengen visa within the last 59 months, you are advised to appear in person. Kindly note that, if it would appear that the fingerprints prove not to be present in the VIS system, you will be asked to reappear in person for new biometric data collection.The fingerprint registration procedure only takes a few minutes and identifies you with certainty as the sole licensee of the visa. It protects you against falsification or abuse of your identity (for instance, if your passport is stolen) and optimizes the border crossing. For more extensive information, we refer you to the European Union website en de VFS website

    Long stay visa (more than 90 days)

    NEW PROCEDURE WORK PERMIT: Since 01/01/2019 the double procedure of an application for a work permit and for a residence permit has been replaced by a single procedure for a unique permit.

    According to the type of long stay visa (D visa) you require, you might have to present a medical certificate you can obtain via one of the doctors certified by the Embassy / Consulate General of Belgium. See below point 5 for details.

    Officiële documenten uitgereikt door de lokale overheden (huwelijks-, geboorte- en overlijdensakten, of diploma’s, attesten van goed gedrag en zeden/uittreksel uit het strafregister en beëdigde verklaringen) moeten vóór de indiening van het visumdossier gelegaliseerd worden. Klik hier voor alle informatie over legalisaties.

    Indien deze documenten niet rechtstreeks in het Engels opgesteld zijn, moeten zij vertaald worden door een aangestelde vertaler naar een van de Belgische nationale talen toe. Klik hier voor alle inlichtingen over vertalingen.

    Opvolgen van de stand van uw visumaanvraag

    De Ambassade / het Consulaat-Generaal van België moet in bepaalde gevallen de visumaanvragen voor beslissing voorleggen aan de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken van de Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken, de enige bevoegde instantie voor wat betreft de binnenkomst, het verblijf, de vestiging en de verwijdering van vreemdelingen van het Belgische grondgebied.

    Wanneer het dossier voorgelegd wordt aan de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, deelt de Ambassade / het Consulaat-Generaal van België u het referentienummer van uw dossier mede. Vanaf dit moment is de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken het enige contactpunt voor alle vragen aangaande de stand van uw visumaanvraag.

    Dit nummer laat u toe contact op te nemen met de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken om de stand van zaken van uw dossier na te gaan (Antwerpsesteenweg 59B, 1000 Brussels, T: +32.2.793.80.00, U kunt bovendien op basis van dit nummer de stand van zaken van uw visumaanvraag controleren op de website van de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken

    Aan de hand van uw paspoortnummer en familienaam kunt u het verloop van uw visumaanvraag volgen op de Belgische website van VFS

    De Ambassade / het Consulaat-Generaal van België zal u in elk geval persoonlijk informeren over de beslissing die genomen werd over uw visumaanvraag.

    Medisch attest en erkende artsen

    U kunt uw medische attesten bekomen via een van de door de Ambassade/het Consulaat-generaal erkende artsen uit onderstaande lijst.

    New Delhi

    Dr. Rajiv BHALLA 
    Dente, 14, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi 
    T: +91 98111 57759 / +91 98114 44469

    Dr. Rajiv KOHLI 
    Dr. Ved Prakash Kohli Medical Center 
    A-23 Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 
    T: +91 11 4022 4399 / +91 11 4022 4299 
    M: +91 98102 82553


    Dr. Subhankar CHAKRABARTI, MBBS (Cal) 
    New Sab's Clinic
    AE-34/1, Subhash Abasan, Beside UBI, Kestopur, Kolkata 700 101 
    T: +91 33 2591 0801
    M: +91 98310 68040 
    Opening hours: In the morning from 10:30 to 11:30 and in the evening from 18:00 to 19:30. Sunday closed.


    Dr. M. M. MERANEY, Dr. Rohit BARMAN and Dr. Khyati SHAH
    (Dr. Usha Lulla TALVADKAR replaces Dr. M. M. MERANEY in his absence) 
    (Dr. Meenal SHAH replaces Dr. Rohit BARMAN in his absence) 

    Breach Candy Hospital and Research Centre 
    60 Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai 400 026 
    T: +91 22 2366 7800 / +91 22 2366 7860 (Dr. M. M. MERANEY)
    T: +91 22 2366 7800 / +91 22 2351 7675 (Dr. R. BARMAN)


    Dr. K.S. CHANDRAMOULI / Dr. G.D. RAVINDRAN / Dr. Jyothi IDDICULLA / Dr. Seena SANKAR / Dr. Ratnamalla CHOUDHURY / Dr. Soumya UMESH / Dr. Geetha Ann FRANCIS / Dr. Anusuya D S /  Dr. Abdul Mateen ATHAR / Dr. Jonita Evett FURTADO / Dr. Shruti KULKARNI / Dr. THENMOZHI / Dr. Mary GEORGE K / Dr. Savitha Anne SEBASTIAN
    Dr. Sanjiv LEWIN / Dr. Fulton DSOUZA / Dr. Ranjini SRINIVASAN / Dr. Sushma K / Dr. Nelia MATHEW / Dr. ARCHANA / Dr. Saurav JAIN / Dr. Jainy N.J. (for applicants aged 15 years or less)

    St. John's Medical College Hospital
    St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences
    John Nagar, Bengaluru 560 034
    T: +91 80 2206 5169 / +91 80 2206 5000
    F: +91 80 2553 0070

    Dr. Shalini Chandan
    Dr. Rudrappa Hospital 
    5, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Cross Road, near Richmond Circle
    Bengaluru 560025
    T: +91 91485 08009 / +91 98440 92922

    Republic Hospital
    No. 5 Langford Gardens, Bengaluru 560 025
    T: + 91 80 4124 5450
    Consultation Time: In the morning from 10.30 to 12:00 and in the evening from 17.30 to 19.00


    Dr. B. Krishna RAU / Dr. Sharon KRISHNA
    Billroth Hospital R.A. Puram 52, 2nd Main Road, R A Puram, Chennai 600 028
    T: +91 44 2464 1111 Extn: 151 (09.00–13.00)


    Dr. Pramati REDDY / Dr. Indira Reddy RAMASAHAYAM 
    Apollo Health City 
    Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033 
    T: +91 40 2360 7777 
    F: +91 40 2360 7530

    Dr. Vikram Varma Jampana (General Medicine)Star Hospital
    Survey No. 74, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad 500 008
    T: +91 40 4477 7777 / 1800 102 7827 (for appointments)


    Dr. Shiva RAJU
    Kims Secunderabad
    1-8-31/1, Minister Rd, Krishna Nagar Colony, Begumpet, Secunderabad – 500 003
    T: +91 40 4488 5000 / +91 40 4488 5184
    F: +91 40 2784 0980


    Dr. P.K. GRANT, Dr. Nirmala CASTELLINO, Dr. Neelima LIMAYE
    Ruby Hall Clinic 40, Sassoon Road, Pune 411 001
    T: +91 20 2612 3391 / +91 20 6645 5100
    F: +91 20 2612 4529


    Dr. Paul PUTHURAN, Dr. Sunu KURIAN, Dr. Abraham P GEORGE, Dr. Joison ABRAHAM, Dr. Puthussery Sumesh CHACKO, Dr. Sr. Romia RODRIGUEZ (General Medicine)
    Dr. Resmi. S. KAIMAL (Family Medicine)DR. Shaju Cheringal SADANANDAN (Preventive Health Check-up)

    Lourdes Hospital
    Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science and Research
    Pachalam, Ernakulam 682 012
    T: +91 484 4123 456


    Should you still have questions on visa procedures after reading carefully this entire website, please contact the Embassy / Consulate General of Belgium at or

    Should you need information or details on your visa application, you may contact us via VFS:

    • For applications from West India and South India at the Consulate General in Mumbai: 
      (Monday-Friday except Consulate holidays) 
      Tel.: (+91) (022) 6786 6036 between 08:00 to 17:00 
    • For applications from North India and East India at the Embassy in New Delhi: 
      (Monday-Friday except Embassy holidays) 
      Tel.: (+91) (022) 6176 6920 between 08:00 to 17:00 