Embassy in New Delhi

All practical information on our Embassy in New Delhi.

Address and opening hours of the Embassy

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in New Delhi.
  1. Last updated on


50-N Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
110021 New Delhi

T: +91 11 424 280 00 (visa questions will only be answered between 11.30am and 1pm)

General mail address: newdelhi@diplobel.fed.be
Visa mail address: newdelhi.visa@diplobel.fed.be

Emergency number: +91 98 101 179 31 (only for of Belgians in difficulty, outside opening hours)

Opening hours

The embassy is open to the public (by appointment) from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. Appointments can be made via e-mail.
