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For all information on notarial competences, please visit the FPS Foreign Affairs website.
Every life is characterized by certain events that require the services of a notary (e.g. a marriage contract, a modification of a premarital agreement, a cohabitation contract, a legacy, a purchase or sale of property, a mortgage, a public or international will, a settlement of an inheritance, etc.).
Of course, the same applies to Belgians living abroad. Depending on the circumstances, they may either turn to the competent local authority to deal with procedures concerning property and family law, or they may request the intervention of the Embassy or the Consulate General.
To this end it is necessary that your notary in Belgium prepares a draft deed and mails it to the notary service at the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs. Practical questions may also be forwarded to that service (email address: notaribox@diplobel.fed.be).
The Embassy or the Consulate General will then receive the necessary instructions for the execution of the deed, which is always done by appointment.